Cloud Load Testing

Performance Testing from the Cloud

The cloud is a fantastic resource for load testing that enables you to get all of the capacity you need, whenever you need it – on demand. The ”œpay as you go” model means that you don’t invest in infrastructure that you only need during load testing peaks. The cloud also gives you the ability to test applications from outside the firewall at different geographical locations, to accurately simulate realistic conditions.

Transparent Testing Around the World

WebLOAD puts the power of the cloud at your fingertips with seamless load generation on Amazon EC2. There’s absolutely no installation or setup – testing from the cloud is transparent. WebLOAD sets up the load generator machines and transfers all of the required tests and configurations exactly as if the server were in the local data center.

Cost Effective Load

RadView’s flexible license model means that you do not have to buy special license to leverage the cloud. Simply open your Amazon EC2 account and choose the capacity that suits your load testing needs and your budget. Our load testing experts are ready to help you design and execute the most effective load testing program for your needs.