Mobile Performance Testing

A Complete Solution for Mobile Application Load Testing

Mobile devices are generating the fastest-growing share of web traffic. You need to simulate the full variety of devices and network speeds in order to assure acceptable performance for users anytime, anywhere.

The WebLOAD mobile performance testing solution lets you record test scripts directly from the device or from a desktop simulator. No matter how you create scripts, you can edit them just like any other test in the WebLOAD editor to add parameters, validation and logic.

During test execution, you can simulate realistic scenarios by selecting a variety of different browsers, devices and capabilities to simulate the mobile environment.

WebLOAD Mobile Application Load Testing Features:

  • A robust environment for test creation and test execution.
  • Editable test scripts that you can enhance using native JavaScript or by embedding calls to Java code or databases.
  • Automatic correlation of dynamic values and creation of parameters to ensure that tests replay reliably.
  • Built-in monitoring and analytics of leading server technologies to rapidly identify the source of bottlenecks.