Root Cause Analysis: WebLOAD and AppDynamics

By leveraging your application performance monitoring solution during load testing, you can not only pinpoint performance problems but diagnose their cause.

WebLOAD 10.1 features integration with the AppDynamics Application Performance Management (APM) solution. Now you can improve your ability to identify root causes of performance issues by using AppDynamics to monitor and analyze an application’s business transactions.

When the AppDynamics integration is enabled, the required information is automatically added to the HTTP headers of WebLOAD transactions so that they are compatible with AppDynamics monitoring. WebLOAD synthetic test transactions can be tracked down to the application call level. You can drill down on transaction time to show the exact performance of a complex distributed application, including third-party integrations and database call response times. With AppDynamics and WebLOAD, you can shorten the time to identify performance issues, isolate root causes and resolve them quickly.
