
Performance Testing for Higher Education

Every year your Banner/Luminis system is put to the test during student registration.  Do you know if it can handle the peak load? Are you forced to split registration into slots?

WebLOAD offers a robust solution for testing campus management platforms and offers a cost-effective hybrid license with a small number of virtual users for on-going testing, combined with a short-term, larger volume license so you can run stress testing with peak loads.

With WebLOAD, you can:


WebLOAD for Ellucian

Since 1999, WebLOAD has been the load testing tool of choice for Ellucian and is used by many of its customers. WebLOAD supports the full variety of Ellucian products, from Banner SSB and Luminis Portal to Ellucian Mobile. WebLOAD helps you answer questions such as:

  • Is your environment ready for the next registration date?
  • Are your Banner SSB and Luminis Portal systems scaling?
  • Are external web services an issue?
  • Is your custom code performing as expected?
  • Are you ready for Ellucian Mobile?
  • Are your network devices working properly?

“It is easy to learn and set up load sessions.  Reports are easy to configure and represent data in a nice visual way.”
Liza Tikhova, Sr. Quality Assurance Analyst at The University of British Columbia

“The RadView staff hung in with us to insure we were finally able to run a successful testing of the entire registration process.”
Kelley BaranDirector of Administrative Systems, Bridgewater State University

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