.NET Load Testing

.NET load testing can be challenging since applications typically use a large number of dynamic values that must be replaced in order to assure reliable test replay. They are also prone to a unique set of bottleneck conditions that you need to identify as soon as possible.

Performance testing for .NET applications

WebLOAD offers a comprehensive solution for performance testing .NET applications with easy test script creating and on deep server-side analytics. The WebLOAD .NET stress testing solution offers:

  • A complete solution for test creation and test execution including built-in support for recording .NET applications and implementing .NET stress testing.
  • Predefined correlation rules for commonly used fields such as VIEWSTATE, EVENTVALIDATION, etc. make it easy to convert dynamic values to parameters in test scripts.
  • Server monitoring for Microsoft ASP.NET and Microsoft Active Server Pages and of Windows servers.
  • Specialized reporting and analytics designed to identify known issues with .NET, for example: too much time spent in garbage collection, high contention rate for locks, high request wait time in queue, etc.