Web & Application Load Testing

Perform website load testing and generate massive user load with WebLOAD’s extensive set of features and support of web technologies. Quickly build tests, generate load (on premises or from the cloud), and analyze results using a rich set of reports designed to pinpoint performance problems.

Build powerful website load testing

Regardless of the web technology you use, WebLOAD automatically records your actions, offering support for  HTTP/HTTPS(SSL,TLS), WebSocket, PUSH, AJAX, SOAP, HTML5, WebDAV and others.

WebLOAD generates your load scenario in JavaScript, letting you make any enhancements needed. The standard JavaScript language is enhanced with built-in load testing objects and methods offering HTTP functionality, load methods, DOM functionality and more.

Automatic correlation lets you easily identify and replace dynamic values such as session IDs, time, and others.



You can also evaluate the user experience under load of users accessing your site using real mobile devices or real browsers (via Selenium clients).

Generate massive load

WebLOAD makes it easy to simulate load of thousands of virtual users. You can use on premises machines or generate load from the cloud, with WebLOAD managing the distribution of scripts and parameters and collecting data from multiple machines.

Using goal oriented testing, you can define any specific performance goal for your website, such as a 2 second response time goal, so that WebLOAD runs your scenario around that goal, gradually increasing the load till your goal is met.

See the load test execution page for details.

Understand how your website behaves under load

Use WebLOAD’s 80 out-of-the-box reports to analyze, drill down and fully understand how your website, servers, databases and other components behave during load. Evaluate response time as it relates to load size and various server-side metrics, pinpoint server-side vs. network issues, understand data throughput, and breakdown response time data to identify network vs. server-side issues..

A Web dashboard lets customize and view all analysis data from any web browser and share your findings with your team members. For more information, see the Analytics page.

Load test web dashboard

Any web technology

WebLOAD supports a wide range of web technologies and protocols including LDAP, FTP, NNTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, TELNET, SSH, TCP and UDP. For the full list see the Supported Technologies page.