Webload 10.2

Web Dashboard

The new Web Dashboard improves the efficiency of your test analysis and resolution process with access to performance test results from any web browser or mobile device. You can conveniently share and communicate results such as response/transaction time, throughput and errors between multiple team members and report performance issues to management.

Using the Web Dashboard you can:

  • Customize your own views of results and graphs
  • View real-time result of tests as they are running
  • Share a customized report view with colleagues
  • View results from tablets and smartphones
Web Dashboard

WebSocket Testing

WebLOAD 10.2 provides full record/replay capabilities for WebSocket testing, used in chats, real-time games and applications. Part of HTML5, WebSocket provides full-duplex bi-directional communication between web browsers and the server over a single TCP connection.

WebSocket Testing

Real Mobile Device Testing

WebLOAD 10.2 integrates with Perfecto Mobile to provide end-to-end performance testing using real mobile devices and measure the complete mobile experience for end users.  You can:

  • Test the user experience under load using real mobile devices and different networks
  • View combined performance statistics of both backend load and real mobile device
  • Execute Perfecto Mobile test scripts from within WebLOAD
Real Mobile Device Testing

Easier Root-cause Analysis

The integration with Dynatrace Application Performance Management enhances root-cause analysis, allowing you to pinpoint server-side issues. Transaction in your load test scenarios are automatically recognized by Dynatrace, allowing you to drill down and understand the events on the Backend side causing errors or affecting performance.

Easier Root-cause Analysis

JSON Support

Typically JSON is used for exchanging structured data between a server and web applications. WebLOAD enables manipulating JSON objects to convert between text and objects for API and Web Service testing.

JSON Support