Do I get support during the trial period?
Definitely, Once you download WebLOAD, you’ll receive a detailed email with instructions and links to help you get started. In addition, we provide full customer support for any questions you may have during the evaluation. From your initial interaction you’ll h receive level-3 support for your issues.
How do I activate and start my WebLOAD evaluation?
Once you download and complete the install, simply start WebLOAD and select the “Evaluate WebLOAD” option in the dialog displayed. That’s it. (Note: if you installed WebLOAD in the past, you’ll have to contact us for a license key.). You’ll receive an automatic email with links to a Getting Started and other documentation to help you with your evaluation.
Which technologies and protocols does WebLOAD support?
WebLOAD support a wide range of enterprise applications, web and mobile protocols and technologies, network protocols, databases and application servers. for the full list please see the Supported Technologies page.
Does the evaluation copy include all features?
Yes. The evaluation copy includes 5 virtual users with access to all of WebLOAD featuresm except for Oracle Forms, Flex/AMF and streaming/multimedia features.